Mini Pigs

When I was in third grade I read Charlotte's Web for the first time and fell in love with the idea of having a pig, as did hundreds of other little girls I am sure!  At that point in my life I lived in a condo in San Luis Obispo, California and the chance of that dream ever becoming a reality was slim.  

When I was 14 my family moved to Utah to a small hobby farm.  I was elated as I have always LOVED animals.  However, after getting a few goats, sheep, chickens, and rabbits...I learned that there would be no pigs on our farm.  There just was not room for an 800 lb hog on our small farm.  

Fast forward almost 20 years and my husband and I bought my family hobby farm, and I was blessed with my first pig, Olive.  She was a pot belly pig, that was only supposed to be 50 lbs full grown, who ended up being close to 300 lbs.  I LOVED having a pig though and started looking into smaller pigs and came across teacup pigs.  I was hooked!  

Although teacup pigs are only small enough to fit in a teacup when they are born, they do remain relatively small (40-60 lbs full grown).  They are sweet animals and very enjoyable as pets.  I have spent hours just watching them on my farm.  I finally got my dream, and feel so grateful to live in the place that I do.  

I am not a pig breeder, just someone who loves pigs and has a litter every now and again.  I love baby animals and baby pigs are by far my favorite!  

Here are some of my sweet animals.

 Goliath, my boar.  
 We found that pigs like to roll in red paint as much as they like to roll in mud.  It took me forever to get this pig cleaned up...and then he did it again the next day!
 See...I told you I loved Charlotte's Web.  It is amazing what you can do with a little bit of yarn and some wire.  A year later my web is still hanging and is in great shape.  It is one of my favorite things on my farm.

 Penny, my mama pig, when she was six months old. 
 Penny and Goliath and my baby girl Christy.  
 Our first litter of babies.  I was in heaven.  These little sweethearts just melted my heart.  We had seven babies.  There were six teenage boys watching as I helped birth all seven of them.  I don't think they will ever be the same.  It was such a great day.  

 We have had so much fun!  I love these little critters. 

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