Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Wind is Blowing

It is a beautiful fall day in Utah.  The leaves from my big trees are all falling and swirling in the air as the wind is bringing in a big winter storm.  You can feel the snow in the air...it is coming.  I wonder how all my new baby animals will handle SNOW?!  It is always interesting to watch these little animals experience winter for the first time.  I love going out and seeing their little faces all poofed up and furry as they try to keep warm.  

This morning all of my baby pigs were still asleep when I went out to feed everyone.  They were so cute all nestled into the hay in the barn.  Penny, mama pig, was already out scavenging even though the weather was horrible.  Christy ran into the barn and scooted them all out of their nice warm haven.  I guess she feels it is her duty to make sure everyone gets their breakfast!

We brought two babies in for the morning and put them in their "playpen."  Christy, knowing how our morning routine always goes, walked right into the bathroom and grabbed her little foot stool and set it right by the playpen.  She loves to stand on her little stool and talk to her babies.  What a wonderful life she has.  These little animals bring so much joy and laughter to our lives. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Life on the Farm

Oh, we love our farm.  We are so blessed to live in such a wonderful place.  There is always a project, always something to do, always a great day to live.  Our family has enjoyed living here for the last seven years and we look forward to living here forever.  I find so much simple joy in watching my children live their life in such a full way.

Every morning my little girl and I go out and feed the animals and it is one of my favorite parts of my day.  This morning it was overcast and a little chilly, and Christy was giggling as I bundled her up and pulled on her pink boots to head out back.  I love how all my animals run up to the fence when they see me coming.  They might be using me for food, but I don't care...they still make my day...everyday.

We have some new pigs on the farm today and they are a little nervous about being here.  I hope over the next few days they will warm up to the other animals and to me.  They ran right through Christy's legs as she went to pet them this morning.  She giggled and thought they were playing with her.

I loaded up all the sleeping areas with fresh straw yesterday and I love going on in the morning and seeing everyone covered in straw.  All the animals like to build little nests to keep themselves warm as the cold weather comes in.

Whew, I hope winter isn't too harsh this year.